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Japan Public Holidays 2023 | Japan Calendar 2023

There are many Japan public holidays 2023 observed throughout the year. So to mark them in one place we bring you Japan Public Holiday Calendar 2023 in PDF format. Holidays are the days set aside from the normal working days in the context of any economy. These days are set aside to provide a break from the regular work which can be assigned in the activities of recreation and fun. 

Every country in the world has holidays in its economy and thus there are several kinds of holidays. Some holidays are of a recurring nature and occur many times in a given year such as the weekend holidays, for example, the Sunday.

Weekend holidays such as Sunday occur every week and grant a break to the majority of the working people across the many organizations. On the other hand, other holidays take place only once a year and such holidays are some of the very specific and special holidays. 

Japan Public Holidays 2023

The Japanese public holidays are the ones that have their special place in the constitution of Japan or other words the public holidays are the ones that are recognized by the constitution of the country. These holidays either may represent the historical event of Japan or the cultural characteristics of the country. 

Japan Calendar 2023


Public holidays recall such historical events in the form of holidays so that the holidays can be appreciated by the whole country together. There may be several or plenty of holidays in the economy of any concerned country and each holiday has its own specific way of celebration.

As we have already discussed above that public holidays constitute part of every country’s economy thus these holidays are highly significant. The public holidays affect the public and the government domain working sector of Japan and this is the reason why these holidays influence the economy of a given country. 

During the public holidays in Japan, all the public/government sector organizations suspend their routine working schedule. It may include government agencies, public sector Banks, schools, colleges, etc. In other words, no public domain work is executed on the occasion of any public holidays and these holidays are also known as the holidays of the Nation.

Japan Calendar 2023 with Holidays

So, if you are living in the country of Japan then it is obvious that you will need the public holiday calendar for many reasons. Having access to all the public holidays will enable you to make the appropriate schedule for your personal and professional work. 
Keeping it in our consideration here below we are going to provide you the list of Japanese public holidays for the year 2023 so that you don’t have to visit the other websites to get this schedule.

Japan Printable Calendar PDF

Date of Holiday Name of Holiday
January 1 New Year’s Day
January 2 Bank Holiday
January 3 Bank Holiday 
January 13 Coming of Age Day
February 11 National Foundation Day
February 14 Valentine’s Day
February 23 A holiday for Emperor’s Birthday
February 24 Emperor’s Birthday Observed
March 3 Dolls Festival
March 20 Spring Equinox
April 29 Showa Day
May 3 Memorial Day
May 4 Greenery Day
May 5 Children’s Day
May 6 Memorial Day of Constitution
June 21 June Solstice
July 7 Star Festival
July 23 Sea Day
July 24 Sports Day
August 6 Hiroshima Day
August 9 Nagasaki Day
August 10 Mountain Day
September 21 Aged Day
September 22 Autumn Equinox
November 3 Culture Day 
November 15 7-5-3 Day Holiday
November 23 Thanksgiving Day
December 21  December Solstice
December 25 Christmas Holidays
December 31 Banking Holidays

Japan Printable Calendar 2023

Here are the public holidays and observances in Japan for the year 2023:

  1. January 1 (Sunday) – New Year’s Day
  2. January 2 (Monday) – New Year Holiday
  3. January 3 (Tuesday) – New Year Holiday
  4. January 9 (Monday) – Coming of Age Day
  5. February 11 (Saturday) – National Foundation Day
  6. March 21 (Tuesday) – Vernal Equinox Day
  7. April 29 (Saturday) – Showa Day
  8. May 3 (Wednesday) – Constitution Memorial Day
  9. May 4 (Thursday) – Greenery Day
  10. May 5 (Friday) – Children’s Day
  11. July 17 (Monday) – Marine Day
  12. August 11 (Friday) – Mountain Day
  13. September 18 (Monday) – Respect for the Aged Day
  14. September 23 (Saturday) – Autumnal Equinox Day
  15. October 9 (Monday) – Health and Sports Day
  16. November 3 (Friday) – Culture Day
  17. November 23 (Thursday) – Labor Thanksgiving Day
  18. December 23 (Saturday) – Emperor’s Birthday

Note that some of these holidays, such as New Year’s Day, are celebrated for several days, while others, such as Coming of Age Day, are celebrated only on a specific date.

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